Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Back to our regularly scheduled program...

I finally remembered to download my pictures. Yippie for you, just what you wanted!

Needless to say, after I filled the first garden box, I was quite sore, and not just sore muscles. As my co-worker would say, I 'used my big brain' and thought, "heck, I'll throw on my bathing suit top and get a little sun while I'm at it." Heh... white turned RED girl here to say.... NEVER do that again! (on a side note, Zackery was quite fascinated that his mother was shedding just like a snake)

The rest of the top soil sat on my driveway for several more days. After work Zackery and I would load up the wagon two or three times before it grew too dark, but I could tell that this would take way too long at that rate. Luckily I received a phone call, "Hey Bonnie, I thought I'd come by on Wednesday and fix your gate, and bring along some youth from church to help with your garden boxes. Whad'ya think?" Hell ya, oh, I mean 'thank you, thank you, thank you!'

So, they showed up Wednesday evening and within 40 minutes box number 2 was filled! Much faster than me... but hey, they had two wheel barrels and 4 people! But a huge THANK YOU goes out to them! They even dug a hole for my beautiful cherry tree! Yippie! Bonus!

The next day a friend and I headed to the hardware store and he built me a fancy gadget to bring water over to my boxes! No standing there watering by hand! We attached two soaker hoses... and off we go! Whooot!

btw, these fancy soaker hoses come with this fancy washer, I guess to control water pressure... unfortunately I lost one, somewhere, somehow. And these 'bright' store owners do NOT carry the replacements. Grrrr.... using just a regular washer helps, but it's not the same... so buyer beware.

Boxes are ready! Finally!

Here are my beautiful boxes, with soaker hoses and all.

And just in case you wanted another angle!

What's that? Oh, the flags, yes of course... While at the hardware store with Zackery, he decided our garden needed decorations, which OSH had many to choose from... statues of frogs, kids, benches, cats, buddahs etc..... I convinced him that these .10 cent flags would be perfect, so these are Zackery's small touch.

Speaking of Zackery, he, like his Mommy was quite excited about this garden thing. But my back was already starting to hurt, yes, I'm a wimp. I needed some sort of potter's bench. And being the resourceful, practical woman that I am I headed over to the torn down shed to find something to put together a makeshift bench/shelf. It only took me an hour to take this apart! lol.... I swear this shed would have withstood a hurricane they used so many nails! Sheesh! But I got it finally and threw this 'table' together. And it looks so stable.... right?! Right! (just nod your head and agree!)

This all took way too long for Zackery, so while Mom dismantled and built Zackery went inside to watch tv.

I finally got everything in order and called him out. Oh, but wait.... I've got to take pictures! As you can see he was not all that happy with yet another delay.

But he warmed up for the peace picture!

Now it was time to plant! And plant I did, with a little help from Zackery. You may not be able to tell in the picture below, but them be some cucumbers a'growin'!

And in here we've got, onions, radishes, eggplant, tomatoes and corn! Whoot!

And in this box, there are: bell peppers, thai peppers, peperonchini, tomato, cantaloupe, watermelon and the cucumbers!

Not pictured... I have dug a mound on the backside of my house where I have planted some zucchini, crookneck squash, french melon and an extra tomato that was given to me late. In another area, one of the areas the boxes were thought to go, I have planted a pumpkin patch! Yippie! I really didn't intend to, but the area was there so I thought, heh why not?! Maybe the Great Pumpkin will fly over and choose it on Halloween night! =)

Now comes the hardest part of all.....


In the mean time we have been enjoying our fresh strawberries... they are quite tasty... and those pesky birds? F0'ghett'about'it.... I WIN!

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