I will start off today saying I love help. I love volunteers! I have had tons of help getting my garden going. Many ideas have been exchanged on how to arrange the yard. One of said discussions was moving one of the sheds to another part of the yard, to free up prime sunshine real estate. Well, ooops! As you can see in the following photos, the shed didn't quite make it in one piece... in fact it really didn't make it all. But that's ok.
What we should be focused on in these pictures are the rocks and all the general clean up! Yippie! It's starting to come together!
So below is a picture of where the shed used to be, and where I was thinking of putting the garden beds. Doesn't that look nice?
And here's a closer look.
See, even the dirt got a once over.
But, you know how you get that hankering to move the living room furniture around and so you do. But then you look at it and think, "Nah, that's just not doing if for me." Well, that's what happened to me... only with these HUGE garden boxes. So I wanted them moved, yes, back to where they originally were. *blush* But being the resourceful woman that I am, I decided that Rebekah and I could move them ourselves. lol Well, we did, move one that is, and it took about 25 minutes! Now before you mock us I have to tell you.... those things are FREAKING heavy! PLUS, we had to move it past the pile o'shed AND the pile o'crap... yes real poop... which had been delivered the week before. I must admit, it was about the funniest thing Rebekah and I have done together. You really should have seen it... oh wait you probably have... if you've ever seen any Three Stooges or Looney Tune episodes! Yes, THAT funny.
Here's an example.... She and I would be standing inside the boxes, using the crossbar supports as handles to transport. We'd bend down, grasp the bars, I would start counting... "One, two, three" and on three I would promptly pick up my end... Rebekah would stand straight up without picking it up and say something like, "what are we doing on three?" Or once we actually timed the picking up part, she would only be able to take one or two steps before dropping it, so I would try with all my might to drag it that one extra step.... *sigh*
We did move it... as in one... I wasn't going to attempt the second one. Just left it for the 'muscle' that moved all the rock for me.
So there they are, and there they'll stay! Whew.
Now it's time to fill them. I ordered 3 yards of top soil from the local top soil supplier, with the bright idea to have them back up into my yard and dump it, right there at the end of the beds! I have this wonderful double gate, opened it up wide, had everything cleared out of the way... so I sat and waited.... excited to finally get more done.... after-all it's just me, myself and I today... hauling 3 yards of dirt, just a short distance....
Well, Mr. Truck Driver had other plans... he decided NOT to back into the back yard... so he just dumped it in my driveway *lip quivering*.
Ok, I can do this... after all what's another 100 feet, over lawn and rock drainage line, up a small incline I never paid attention to, into the backyard and over that uneven terrain to the garden boxes... that shouldn't make too much of a difference... right? *sigh* Oh, did I mention I don't have a wheel barrel? Well, I DO have a wagon, and as I kept reminding myself for four hours, you've got to use the tools that you've got, and in Zackery's words, "you get what you get, and you don't throw a fit". Of course he was talking about Halloween candy... but I had to distract my mind with something!
So I started shovel after shovel... and did you know.... it takes approximately 23 shovel fulls to fill my wagon? Just in case you wanted to know... because I sure know...... now.
So below you can see the first box is filled.... half way, yep 6 inches of top soil. Only 20 wagon loads! *sarcasm* Then I shoveled in some poop... then back to the top soil. Oh by-the-way... did you know that a wagon full of top soil will travel over rough terrain a lot easier when the tires are FULL of air? Yes, I figured that out about 3/4 of the way through! *sigh*
Yes, beautiful half way! *deep breath*
Oh yippie! It's full! Yes I'm done! Isn't it beautiful?! *patting self on back* Only 40 wagon loads of top soil and 16ish loads of poop! Whew!
Nice boxes. Did you build them?