Wednesday, May 26, 2010

This too shall pass...

It's been a week now since my graceful entry into the garden, and all I can say is... I'm old! This fall has really kicked my behind! I'm still suffering a bit, can't quite make it through the day without the pain meds (no I'm not addicted, yet). My foot and knee both swell terribly... but things are getting a tad better.

But oh, let me tell you about the miracle of message! What a wonderful invention!

Jackie, blessed Jackie, is finishing up her massage therapy schooling and lucky me got to be one of the first 'customers'! And what perfect timing!

She came and set up shop in my front room, table, sheets even music! The kids were shipped off to 'play' at other's houses (am I a bad mom?) and I had an hour massage... focusing on my injuries. Before she started I could not bend, or straighten for that matter, my elbow... but magic hands... my elbow was mobile! Yippie. All those tense muscles from the fall were now quite relaxed. ahhhhhh I was a satisfied customer!

So any of you locals visiting my blog... let me know if you are looking for a nice relaxing massage... Jackie does wonders!

Blogs coming up....
Garden losses (yes, already)
English language

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