Sunday, May 16, 2010

We interrupt this program...

I've 'misplaced' my next set of garden photos, so I will take the time right now to brag! Yes, every mother has the right to brag. We've earned it! And MY daughter is the best... so that gives me all the more right! =p

For the last three months(ish), Rebekah has been practicing for a play. Alice in Wonderland, Jr. This last week, she had 6 total performances... and she did awesome! She played the door mouse, and was as cute as a button! Here she is with a couple of her fellow cast mates, Nick a.k.a The Catapiller (who was quite good) and Brianna, who made an awesome flower.

I was quite impressed with the overall performance, these kids really worked hard and it paid off! My hat goes off to the teachers that volunteered their time. Good job to all that were involved.

BTW, I would be showing other pictures of Rebekah, but she wouldn't let either myself nor her father take pictures, *sigh*. Must be some pre-teen syndrome or something. But I do have a short video of her trying to specifically NOT get her picture taken by us... I will post this sometime later, when I cover the teenage woes of parenthood or to show her Prom date... which ever comes first! =)

On another note... I canNOT believe that this school year is drawing to a close! Where did this year go? Rebekah is going to be in eighth grade and Zackery will be starting Kindergarten... I can't believe my children are growing up so fast! *sigh*

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