The story:
After lunch on Wednesday, I bought some tomato cages for my glorious garden. Eric and I decided to swing by the house and drop them off. As we pulled up I noticed the neighbor boy looking over our fence... they spend almost as much time in our backyard as my kids do. I asked him if he lost yet another ball, which he then nodded yes. So I let him into the back. Now the only reason I mention this part of the story is because this poor little boy received quite the vocabulary lesson, and that's not a good thing.
Eric proceeded around the corner carrying the cages, yes all of them, I can't even blame my predicament on that. I stopped at the back door to hand something to Rebekah, then started toward the garden. As I rounded the back my foot for some reason slipped, my right ankle rolled, so that transferred weight to my left leg, which we all know is quite laughable since any sort of weight throws my knee out. So, rumble, rumble, rumble my knee went in every direction which then sent my weight shifting back to my now injured right ankle... which didn't quite like that, then I felt a crackle... or something... then I was on the ground.... HARD!
I was in pain! I'm used to my knee going out... I deal with that, unfortunately, often. But this, this was different... much much more pain! But the pain to the ego.... even worse. And needless to say, I said some .... well, not so choice words. =(
Eric helped me to the house, my foot was already swelling... and I wasn't even quite sure what I had done to it. But the surprise pain was my left elbow, considering I fell on my right side, I was a little confused. I soaked my foot in ice water, changed my clothes and headed back to work... after all I had stuff to do! Plus, I had to save face one way or another.
I called Kaiser, insisted on seeing a doctor and not going to the emergency room, that costs way too much! The nurse made me an appointment for 5:30, at the Elk Grove facility in Medicine 2. These details are important, trust me.
So after finishing up some stuff at work, I go pick up Zackery at day care, drop him off at the house with Rebekah and head up to Elk Grove. Keep in mind that I was in a lot of pain. Just about every part of my body ached and my knee was really shaky having to bare the majority of my weight as I had to baby the right foot/ankle, and my elbow was swelling.
I hobbled my way into the building, trekked over to the elevator. I got off the elevator and dragged myself over to Medicine 2.... *sigh*.... it was closed! Hmmmm... maybe the nurse meant Medicine 1, ok... so I turn around and head back down the hall... Medicine 1... lights out... closed! Grrrr...
Ok so the nurse MUST have meant the Sacramento hospital facility.... so I headed toward the elevator.... there was an EMT standing there holding thee door open... "sorry mam, we're using this elevator for a patient. Ummm, ok.... pain shooting through my foot... I can wait.
Well, long story short, too late, I headed up to Sacramento while on the phone with the new nurse. I found out that the 5:30 appointment was supposed to be a phone appointment, which the first nurse never put through anyway. So the only alternative was to go to the emergency room. *sigh*
Of course as those of you locals know, they are doing TONS of construction up there and there was NO place to park near the emergency room. So the nurse told me to park in the parking garage and push the emergency button. Huh? me? *sigh*
I saw a wheel chair sitting there, and I thought just as I always do... "I can do it... all by myself!" Yes, I'm 3! I kinda forgot that my elbow hurt... and after crying out in pain I soon realized that I was going to have to use the emergency button, but not after having an emotional break down, literally. Which as you know is one of the worse things to happen to me (the other one being to vomit... I HATE that). I was so angry that I was emotional.
A nice security guard came and transported me to the emergency room where I met some 'interesting' characters. Two nice 'gang-banger' girls fighting over some guy in a room... you know he should feel quite flattered that these girls 'cared' for him as much as they seemed to. But after a nice talk with some rather large security guards the girls decided to 'care' somewhere else. *sigh* I also met a nice man who had an unfortunate 'accident' with the police. It seems that the 'police' just yanked him out of his car and threw him to the ground and beat him up and trashed his back. And those uncaring police officers didn't even escort him to the hospital... hmmm... seems they just jumped him and left him on his own... you know how insensitive and volatile police officers can be especially with the 'suspects' they just beat and let go. *rolls eyes*
So the verdict:
hairline fracture in the right foot, sprained right ankle (tho I didn't even feel that), dislocated elbow, dislocated knee (this was a given), and some very sore muscles... still!
When I do something, I do it all the way!
Zackery took care of me when I got home, I did have a couple of scrapes on my leg, so when I got home Zackery put about 8 on me. lol So I'm all better now! =)
Now it's on to recovery, lots of time up off my foot. Now I have a valid excuse to catch up on my dvr!
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